Because my cell phone is so old, it's analog. Therefore Cingular started charging me an extra $4.99 a month since everything new is digital and they wanted to force me to upgrade.
On 22 December, I ordered a new quad-band phone, and had to order a more expensive service plan since my old level of service was no longer offered (what a surprise!). I was promised overnight delivery. Hah!
Here it is, a week into January, and my new Cingular bill has arrived. With the new (and, of course, higher) charge for my upgraded service.
I have yet, however, to receive my new phone which allows me to take advantage of that upgraded service!
Complaints to customer support have thus far gone unresolved.
UPDATE: Finally got my new phone, but was unable to activate it because the service is unavailable from Saturday evenings through Monday mornings!
Monday [15 January], after almost an hour with customer service, it was finally "live" with voice mail in place. Whew!
Now let's see if my next Cingular bill is accurate!
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